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My first DIY 3d Printed 6x12 Panoramic Camera

This was a very fun project! I used my Schneider Kreuznach 90mm F6.8 Angulon from my Linhof Technika III 4x5 Camera.  I modified a lens cone from this awesome open source camera on Printables from user Velvia, I've provided a hyperlink of the STL files for anyone interested.

The first few shots were taken on a roll of Bergger Pancro 400 that were pushed to 3200 in a 45min. semi-stand development with agitation every 15min with Ilford DD-X developer with a ratio of 1:19.

 Open 6x12 V2 3D Printed Pano Film Camera by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Abandoned Truck 3 by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Abandoned Truck 2 by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Abanonded Truck by Bruce Foster, on Flickr

 Winter Trail by Bruce Foster, on Flickr


OutspaceKat, Kamera Brand and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
OutspaceKatKamera BrandJonatan LRon L

Cool! Great work there 😀 Do you have more pictures of the build? Always interesting for a DIYer like myself.

I use my printer in other hobbies, but I'm intrigued to also build myself a camera. Would like to go digital though... Who knows that the future will bring 🙂