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Mirrored lens

Has anyone had any experence of mirrored lenses?

Im watching one on ebay 500mm with x2 converter.

I guess the current active user base hasn't used one.  When I first joined, there was a UK based user I believe who had a Sigma 500mm F8 mirror lens.  There's some samples in the first few share your photo threads if you dig deep enough.  I haven't personally used one, but from what I've read, they're difficult to focus.

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My husband has one for his Nikon D750, a 500mm Nikon. It’s not good for much except astrophotography, excluding the moon. He actually bought it for the moon but the results were so poor for that (and scenery/birds) that he was going to sell it. The he gave it one last chance for stars and nebulae and for that, it works well. (That kind of astrophotography uses a LOT of computational image processing.)

I’d say generally not worth it.

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