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Minox 35 EL

I had one of these years ago and re-acquired one a few months ago, as part of my on-going quest to find the right everyday carry film camera (this, my Canon Dial, and either an Olympus XA or XA2 are in the running). I finally managed to run some film through it, a role of Kentmere 400, here are a few samples from it... is lovely and small, light as well, the metering is good, and the lens is excellent, however, it really doesn't like 36-exposure films, as the take-up spool gets crowded and can result in film jams (past experience of this happening - which is why this was a 24-exposure roll I tested it with).

How small you ask, well here it is with Lego me for scale.


SpruceBruce and EckyH have reacted to this post.

This is such a fantastic post!  I love your mini-fig!  I'm pretty sure its more compact than my Olympus Pen D2!

Gideon Liddiard Photography has reacted to this post.
Gideon Liddiard Photography
Quote from SpruceBruce on September 7, 2023, 6:20 am

This is such a fantastic post!  I love your mini-fig!  I'm pretty sure its more compact than my Olympus Pen D2!

Thanks, they are absurdly small cameras, very easy to carry around, and while mainly plastic, they are well built. The specification is semi-automatic (AE priority), which you have to manually focus, they do at least have a focus scale so zone focusing is pretty easy.  You get an indication of the shutter speed in the (nice and bright) viewfinder, and the meter will run film from 25ASA to 800ASA (and adjusting it provides an effective exposure compensation tool). It even has a tripod mount and cable-release socket!

Oh, and the lens is simply excellent.

It's a strong contender even if it sulks with longer rolls of film.