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K3-III’s Shake Reduction actually good?

You need to know I love my K3-III, but wanted to know what has been everyone’s experience with the SR system.  I’ve been using manual vintage lenses (Pentax-A 28mm f2.8, Pentax K 30mm, 40mm and Zeiss Distagon 35mm f2) and noted that unless I am super still, some pictures come up blurry or not sharp enough, some other time they come super sharp! Is it just a matter of improving my technique or lowering the SR expectations?   Super happy with my camera just looking to learn from other pentaxians what their experience has been with the SR system.

SpruceBruce, Daniel Gonzalez and JBP have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceDaniel GonzalezJBP

Is it your first Pentax camera? If not, is this issue unique to the K-3iii for you or with others as well? What helped me was learning that the SR isn't always "ready." I found this out on my K-3 and it should apply to the K-3iii also. In the viewfinder you'll see the little SR icon. When you first bring the camera up to your eye or if you move it rapidly, you'll notice the icon isn't there. Hold still for a moment and it appears. What this meant for me is often I was shooting at low shutter speed but getting blurry photos because I didn't wait for that icon to appear. Now I know to do so. May not apply to you at all but that's what it was for me. 🙂

SpruceBruce, Daniel Gonzalez and Rai Gonzalez have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceDaniel GonzalezRai Gonzalez

Thank you for your comment! Indeed my first digital Pentax and before replying I did noticed what you mentioned about the SR hand icon in the view finder.  Still some blurry photos if not being patient but I guess this SR system may be less effective with vintage manual focus lenses.  I noticed a considerable higher keeper rate with the 20-40 mm limited and the DA* 16-50 PLM.  Will make sure about “engaging “ the SR system before pressing the shutter going forward.

SpruceBruce, Daniel Gonzalez and JBP have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceDaniel GonzalezJBP

I admittedly have not used the K-3III at all with vintage lenses, since I have my K-1 for that. But I never had an issue on my K-1, and using my K-3III with modern lenses the SR works well. I've always been impressed with the SR with vintage lenses going back to my Pentax K10D, but some of that could be my own expectations and use case. I find I have a pretty steady hand (for now anyway).

Just throwing this out there in case: You are setting the manual lens focal length correctly for a manual lens? It should prompt you for this number when you turn the camera on with a vintage lens attached. This number is also used to inform the SR system to work correctly at that focal length. Inputting the wrong number can lead to SR problems.

SpruceBruce, Daniel Gonzalez and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceDaniel GonzalezJBPRai GonzalezEckyH
Happy snappin' 🙂

Thank you, James! I am making sure I enter the actual focal length when turning the camera on, so for example if I am usin the 28mm f.2.8 I enter 28mm.  I guess I just need to improve my technique a little bit.

James Warner and Daniel Gonzalez have reacted to this post.
James WarnerDaniel Gonzalez
Quote from Rai Gonzalez on February 24, 2023, 6:50 pm

Thank you, James! I am making sure I enter the actual focal length when turning the camera on, so for example if I am usin the 28mm f.2.8 I enter 28mm.  I guess I just need to improve my technique a little bit.

Okay good, just wanted to double check.

Well, I don't mean to tell you "you're the one that's wrong" haha. It could be the camera, just hard to diagnose exactly from here. But it sounds like you're doing everything right...

If you want you can share some pics with us where this has been an issue, and maybe that'll help.

Daniel Gonzalez and Rai Gonzalez have reacted to this post.
Daniel GonzalezRai Gonzalez
Happy snappin' 🙂