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Is my camera broken? Sony Cybershot F828

I got this camera and am having issues and was told you all might be able to help me out.

The first snap of my cat is the very first photo I took from the camera. I then changed the dial and the photos come out as the second. If I turn it off, one or two will be fine but as soon as I turn the dial to anything, it comes out either super white washed or like the second and third attached photo.

The aperture blades where broken when I received it. I took some of the outside plastic off and then decided it was too difficult, put the plastic back on and it worked - taking the first photo. (Literally just took a few screws out.)

Being an older camera, I don't have many online resources to be able to fix. I can't find anything in the pdf manual to help me.

Sony Cybershot F828

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Quote from Catsos on August 13, 2022, 2:42 am

I got this camera and am having issues and was told you all might be able to help me out.

The first snap of my cat is the very first photo I took from the camera. I then changed the dial and the photos come out as the second. If I turn it off, one or two will be fine but as soon as I turn the dial to anything, it comes out either super white washed or like the second and third attached photo.

The aperture blades where broken when I received it. I took some of the outside plastic off and then decided it was too difficult, put the plastic back on and it worked - taking the first photo. (Literally just took a few screws out.)

Being an older camera, I don't have many online resources to be able to fix. I can't find anything in the pdf manual to help me.

Sony Cybershot F828

Aperture blades being stuck could explain photos with the wrong exposure, but those samples you shared look more like some seriously weird sensor read out problems. I have only had this happen to me on one camera so far, and it's a Sony Mavica FD something floppy disk camera from 1997. But same thing there, the camera will actually sometimes take a picture just fine, but most of the time turns out nonsense colors and lines like you have.

I'm not familiar enough with camera sensors from a technical standpoint to know if it could be as simple as a loose cable going somewhere, or if it's damage on the sensor itself meaning it can't easily be fixed. In the case of my Sony, I feel like somethings just loose, because sometimes it can work and sometimes not makes me think it's not permanent damage.

Maybe someone else here will have more experience and could share. That's a bummer though, the Sony F828 is a fantastic camera.

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Happy snappin' 🙂

Could you potentially return it? Or would the removal of the screws negate that?

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Quote from James Warner on August 13, 2022, 11:44 am

Aperture blades being stuck could explain photos with the wrong exposure, but those samples you shared look more like some seriously weird sensor read out problems. I have only had this happen to me on one camera so far, and it's a Sony Mavica FD something floppy disk camera from 1997. But same thing there, the camera will actually sometimes take a picture just fine, but most of the time turns out nonsense colors and lines like you have.

I'm not familiar enough with camera sensors from a technical standpoint to know if it could be as simple as a loose cable going somewhere, or if it's damage on the sensor itself meaning it can't easily be fixed. In the case of my Sony, I feel like somethings just loose, because sometimes it can work and sometimes not makes me think it's not permanent damage.

Maybe someone else here will have more experience and could share. That's a bummer though, the Sony F828 is a fantastic camera.

A sensor problem makes sense. I've never really though too deeply about the inner workings of the cameras - just go and use them. I had the chance to return when the aperture blades were stuck close, but opening up the plastics and having the blades fix themselves I figured all was good. It took a bunch of OK pictures after and then suddenly went all synthwave on me. The controls confuse me (I'm used to my K3) but I really, really, like using the camera, especially the swivel and live view. I was hoping to have it for general snaps so even if they're not that great, the age of the camera gives it a more nostalgic feel.


Unfortunately I'm not able to now. I am open to getting another and using this for parts or attempting to fix it myself depending on how difficult it is/what specialized tools are needed.

I really feel like a PRO photographer carrying around two cameras, even if their combined age is almost catches up to mine. :B

Does it always work fine right after you turn it on? Does it keep working fine as long as you don't change the dial? Will it work no matter what mode you're in as long as you don't change the mode? Also curious if it happens no matter the ISO, shutter speed, aperture, or if it starts happening for certain values of those settings.

Also what firmware version is it running? May be worth updating if it's not the latest, although it could be difficult to find the file now.

Okay - so far:

Auto (green camera) - three good photos, fourth photo black.

turn off - turned back on right away, nothing could be seen from the back screen. Turned off for a few minutes longer, back on, green camera (auto) mode - seven normal photos, 8+ do the black.

P Mode: 11 good, 12 goes black, #13 goes lines, #14 goes black

On & off - white lines, black

Off - waited:

Aperture - three shots, then black

Video seems unaffected.

No clue how to find out what the firmware version is. The menu is pretty sparse and couldn't find anything online except these two websites that... Doesn't seem fully legit: &

Nothing shows on the Sony website:

It's odd that it won't work for a few shots if you turn it on and off quickly, but does if you wait a bit first. Also weird that video is unaffected. I'm wondering if the shutter is getting stuck, although I would expect just black every time I think, instead of photos with lines etc. And I would think sometimes video wouldn't work either.

No clue how to find out what the firmware version is. The menu is pretty sparse and couldn't find anything online except these two websites that... Doesn't seem fully legit:

I recently got a f828 myself, and trying to find the original raw software, which is really hard to find.

update: I found a iso image of an old alpha dslr software disc that has the sony image data converter SR that will work with .srf files if anyone happens to want to use it.

and here is a tip since we all like to mess with old hardwares here, use the wayback machine to find old offical pages, most of the time you can get files off it, so legit source.

here is the legit v2 firmware for the f828:

heres the instruction for firmware update and version check:

you will need the ac power adapter for this to work, i tried it without and it will not show the firmware number if  on battery only. I use the power adapter that i got from a mavica, if you need to hunt down one, you usually can get them cheap with a mavica.

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