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Instagram- there just has to be something better.

Instagram is becoming so corny with the reels thing, it's not really a photo sharing site anymore, it's in completion for Tok Tok.  I stopped posting my photos on there and went back to Flickr and frankly I don't care if I have an audience of 4 people LOL. My ego is not getting out of control, it's just too much work we put in to photography to have it displayed like that- poorly to be viewed on a phone and next to somebody frying chicken in NyQuil.

There really should be something better than Flickr too I think it's the best going now. For free anyway.

Justin Tung, SpruceBruce and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.
Justin TungSpruceBrucedenniscrommett

I agree, I don't like most of these newer services. Flickr works for me, but I don't have to pay for it yet. That could change my attitude towards it somewhat. 😆

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from JBP on October 12, 2022, 6:12 pm

I agree, I don't like most of these newer services. Flickr works for me, but I don't have to pay for it yet. That could change my attitude towards it somewhat. 😆

Me too, but it's really not that bad.  However, all these services add up. Between my music streaming, iphone storage, adobe etc.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.

Yeah instagram is definitely less about photography and more of a social platform.

I enjoy Flickr much more for sharing and viewing others pictures. I don't use it as much as I could (groups, for example). Would be fun to dive into more of those features. I don't pay for mine yet either but I am very close to that 1,000 photo limit...

SpruceBruce and Daniel Gonzalez have reacted to this post.
SpruceBruceDaniel Gonzalez
Happy snappin' 🙂

Flickr is something you have to work at to pick up views, I've noticed. Adding your photos to a lot of groups significantly increases the exposure, groups are where it's at for what 'community' there is on the site. What I appreciate about Flickr is mainly its "old-school" nature, the way it's a straightforward site without a whole lot of algorithm-based tinkering on the back end. Maybe one day the tech companies will figure out that these algorithms just don't do a good enough job replacing real-life social circles.

Sometimes I have to wrack my brain for groups which apply to the photo I've posted. The good thing is that you can always add into more groups down the road, which extends the life of your photos beyond a timeline where they get buried. I think the limit is 60 groups for free accounts, that's still a lot.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
I ramble on sometimes about snap photography, photographic philosophy and equipment! Ye be warned.

I've made a vero account. Very nice for sharing photos.

I never use it but I do have an account. Recently I logged on to give it another shot. I noticed some friends who are very inactive on Facebook are very active on Instagram. Some don't use Facebook at all, so they're the opposite of me. So I decided to post some photos to Insta... I hated the experience and result so much I deleted the posts. haha

I was browsing other photogs posts and they seem to make good use of it. And I discovered some neat places in Pittsburgh (~2hrs from me) I want to check out. So it seems like a good app, it's just not for me I guess.

Two years later, social media still sucks. It sucks even more than one I posted this. I'm still off IG for photography but I did sign up on Facebook to sell stuff on Marketplace.  Good lord is it a bottom feeder platform.  The worst.   I still host photos on Flickr.

To be honest, I am not really enjoying looking at photos in Instagram anymore.  It seems to me that while cameras are getting better photographers are not. 

It seems as if the Flickr crowd is putting a bit more effort.,-by%20Alex%20Cooke&text=Are%20you%20fed%20up%20with,of%20a%20better%20experience%E2%80%8B.