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I'm new here!

I don't see any other posts here, so hopefully I am not committing some sort of faux pas by posting, but I figure this seems like a better place on the internet I have seen than many others to talk about photography. I have got kinda sick about discussions of IQ, and $10,000 lenses and chasing the latest technological trend. It might just be me getting a bit older but, I just don't get very into the discussions of just how many megapixels the latest camera has. I am a bit of a Minolta fangirl, with my primary cameras being a Maxxum 7000 AF, Minoltaflex I, and Sony A-57, but I like all cameras I don't really buy into the idea that any brand is "bad" and have some micro four thirds and vintage equipment too. I have also been dabbling in movie cameras, mostly with double 8mm because film gets very expensive once you start going 16 and 35mm.

I also love a good deal, and I tend to exercise the motto that as long as something still does the job it was designed to do it cannot be obsolete, which leads me to do things like use a 20+ year old film scanner. My photos aren't great, but I have alot of fun making them even if I don't have an instagram account so it is mostly just a self serving hobby for me.

James Warner, agentlossing and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarneragentlossingTristan CarlosBeau CarpenterSpruceBruceGawadHeggenDazsdenniscrommett

You'll fit in fine right here! Fellow Minolta enthusiast here too! I got an old X-GM that I restored and brought back to life this past summer, I just haven't shot a roll through it yet.  The Minolta glass from the 80s is so sharp and underrated. I love my 50mm F1.7 & 28mm F3.5, I shoot adapted on my Nikon Z50 a lot.

You don't need Leica or Canon $15k setups exclusively to make good photos either.  In the end, it's all about fundamentals and technique with your equipment. I have a 20 year old Fuji Finepix S2 Pro that shoots on a 6MP CCD sensor, some of those photos are wall hangers, just as much that come out of more modern expensive gear.

As I've matured into my hobby, the YouTubers who saturate latest and greatest are so boring to me at this point, they're just an extension of the marketing for companies at this point.  I'd rather watch a vid about the journey, technique, and steps to making a good photo instead of mediocre autofocus tests or sample photos.  Someone like Nick Carver or Thomas Heaton who actually get into the metering and settings aspect of it, although Heaton does love his $$$ gear but he's humble about it.

EDIT: Lastly, I also don't have advertisingram either.  When I'm out shooting, people are almost dazed about that I don't have Instagram.  I have no desire in following trends and algorithms for a following.  I definitely get what you're conveying for sure!  And once again welcome to Snappiness!

Beau Carpenter, Gawad and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterGawaddenniscrommett

Welcome! Great introduction & sounds like you're in the right place 👍

If you have any recent photos that you would like to share, the place to be is the November Photo Thread >>

SpruceBruce and Gawad have reacted to this post.

I have a few Minoltas as well! X-700, X-7a and Maxxum 5000. Welcome to the club, most of us aren’t willing to shell out for the latest glass and cutting edge tech so you’ll fit right in I think.

SpruceBruce and Gawad have reacted to this post.

Welcome, glad to have you! We do love our bargain, old, forgotten cameras here. I'm glad you broke the ice on this welcome section - I added it recently so no one had used it yet 😉

I wish I knew more about Minolta, and hope to keep learning. I just barely started to look into it when I bought my Sony A100. Right now I have some old AF primes I like, but I'd like to expand to some old manual glass. I don't shoot film enough to warrant another film camera, but that's never stopped me so maybe I'll pick one up at some point haha. I just follow the deals.

Anyway, we'd love to hear what you have to say about what you like to shoot, some of your photos, etc. We have some threads going but feel free to make a new one about whatever you want!

SpruceBruce, Gawad and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂