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I have a Q-nfession to make

So today I saw this advert on a well known second hand app we have here in Spain. 

I was more on the way to buy a Canon 24-105mm L F4 as maybe in the long run I'll make a move to Canon mirrorless, in May for the Formula 1 Race all of my mates were speaking me so many wonderful things abour the R6 MK-II, and how with 2-3 lenses (the 24-105mm EF mount and maybe a 70-200mm EF mount and maybe the 16mm RF mount plus the adapter) you can do whatever you like. I was so so sold to this idea. Even thought I don't have the money for it, and I love my Pentax K3's MK-III.


Anyways, I just saw that advert and I couldn't resist myself, I had to buy it.

So I officially have bought a Pentax Q. A White one. And the advert is a mess, the guy doesn't have battery neither charger, neither lens. Basically it was advert as "Pentax 02" and it has the body (not even lens cap included, so I imagine it'll be full of dust) and boxes. 

But I had to buy it, the price was 15€ shipping included. 

Let me share you some of the images from the advert

Pentax 02 carousel

Pentax 02 carousel

Pentax 02 carousel

Pentax 02 carousel


The guy specifies that "it used to work" (i guess before loosing the bateries) so, hopefully it will keep working. 

Now I'll need to find battery and charger (any recomendations? I saw there are two types of battery compatible) and the most expensive: A Lens. I am seeing that those aren't any cheap and not cheaper than 120-150€ and that's not a bargain. 

I have no rush with this camera. I need the bateries and charger to test it out, as I can send it back to the seller if it's not correct, but i will need a lens. Hopefully some bargain will come along at some moment.

So there you have my Q-nfession,

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You don't really need a lens to test the basic functions and maybe you can get an adapter for a lenses you already have?
I also would not return it TBH seems like you could sell it "for parts" without losing money.
Better take your time to find a good deal on used battery/charger combo for cheap and then if the camera is dead you can try sell the whole package for parts to recover the money.

On the camera itself I cant say anything, never tried anything Pentax Q. But I have the Nikon 1 J1 which seem to be form the same time and same idea of making a tiny mirrorless. Both of these systems where abandoned and I can see why. Small sensors and 2011 tech just could not deliver what much older cameras could. So my advice is to keep the cost low as it likely will collect dust rather sooner than later.

Daniel Gonzalez has reacted to this post.
Daniel Gonzalez
Quote from Kamera Brand on August 9, 2024, 9:20 am

You don't really need a lens to test the basic functions and maybe you can get an adapter for a lenses you already have?
I also would not return it TBH seems like you could sell it "for parts" without losing money.
Better take your time to find a good deal on used battery/charger combo for cheap and then if the camera is dead you can try sell the whole package for parts to recover the money.

On the camera itself I cant say anything, never tried anything Pentax Q. But I have the Nikon 1 J1 which seem to be form the same time and same idea of making a tiny mirrorless. Both of these systems where abandoned and I can see why. Small sensors and 2011 tech just could not deliver what much older cameras could. So my advice is to keep the cost low as it likely will collect dust rather sooner than later.

Thank you, 

You are right, I can re-sell it anytime. I have already found a battery and charger combo on Amazon for 25€.

To be honest with you, I have always have been curious about this system specially to use it while working in the street or even to bring it to some concerts and sneak a "capable" camera with a big zoom.

I don't know, I think both systems were great ideas that never went very well.

Thank you for your advice, I will keep it in mind 🙂 

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Alright so I'll need to follow your advice and list it for parts, as I got some bateries and charger and it seems to not turn on.

It's a shame, but hopefully I'll be able to make my money back and find a better Q that works in the future.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
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Awesome pickup! I'm going to be devil's advocate here and say that the tiny sensor in the Q is all you need to get a good photo and I think the image quality lives up well to the recognition of the Q to this day. Below I'll post a couple of my galleries of photos taken on the Q and Q-S1. I am a big big fan of the camera.
I recommend starting at the bottom of the Q-S1 album where my newer shots are, took me a while to grow into the camera.
Quote from Daniel Gonzalez on August 8, 2024, 9:18 pm

So today I saw this advert on a well known second hand app we have here in Spain. 

I was more on the way to buy a Canon 24-105mm L F4 as maybe in the long run I'll make a move to Canon mirrorless, in May for the Formula 1 Race all of my mates were speaking me so many wonderful things abour the R6 MK-II, and how with 2-3 lenses (the 24-105mm EF mount and maybe a 70-200mm EF mount and maybe the 16mm RF mount plus the adapter) you can do whatever you like. I was so so sold to this idea. Even thought I don't have the money for it, and I love my Pentax K3's MK-III.


Anyways, I just saw that advert and I couldn't resist myself, I had to buy it.

So I officially have bought a Pentax Q. A White one. And the advert is a mess, the guy doesn't have battery neither charger, neither lens. Basically it was advert as "Pentax 02" and it has the body (not even lens cap included, so I imagine it'll be full of dust) and boxes. 

But I had to buy it, the price was 15€ shipping included. 

Let me share you some of the images from the advert

Pentax 02 carousel

Pentax 02 carousel

Pentax 02 carousel

Pentax 02 carousel


The guy specifies that "it used to work" (i guess before loosing the bateries) so, hopefully it will keep working. 

Now I'll need to find battery and charger (any recomendations? I saw there are two types of battery compatible) and the most expensive: A Lens. I am seeing that those aren't any cheap and not cheaper than 120-150€ and that's not a bargain. 

I have no rush with this camera. I need the bateries and charger to test it out, as I can send it back to the seller if it's not correct, but i will need a lens. Hopefully some bargain will come along at some moment.

So there you have my Q-nfession,


SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from HeggenDazs on August 22, 2024, 2:22 am
Awesome pickup! I'm going to be devil's advocate here and say that the tiny sensor in the Q is all you need to get a good photo and I think the image quality lives up well to the recognition of the Q to this day. Below I'll post a couple of my galleries of photos taken on the Q and Q-S1. I am a big big fan of the camera.
I recommend starting at the bottom of the Q-S1 album where my newer shots are, took me a while to grow into the camera.
Quote from Daniel Gonzalez on August 8, 2024, 9:18 pm

So today I saw this advert on a well known second hand app we have here in Spain. 

I was more on the way to buy a Canon 24-105mm L F4 as maybe in the long run I'll make a move to Canon mirrorless, in May for the Formula 1 Race all of my mates were speaking me so many wonderful things abour the R6 MK-II, and how with 2-3 lenses (the 24-105mm EF mount and maybe a 70-200mm EF mount and maybe the 16mm RF mount plus the adapter) you can do whatever you like. I was so so sold to this idea. Even thought I don't have the money for it, and I love my Pentax K3's MK-III.


Anyways, I just saw that advert and I couldn't resist myself, I had to buy it.

So I officially have bought a Pentax Q. A White one. And the advert is a mess, the guy doesn't have battery neither charger, neither lens. Basically it was advert as "Pentax 02" and it has the body (not even lens cap included, so I imagine it'll be full of dust) and boxes. 

But I had to buy it, the price was 15€ shipping included. 

Let me share you some of the images from the advert

Pentax 02 carousel

Pentax 02 carousel

Pentax 02 carousel

Pentax 02 carousel


The guy specifies that "it used to work" (i guess before loosing the bateries) so, hopefully it will keep working. 

Now I'll need to find battery and charger (any recomendations? I saw there are two types of battery compatible) and the most expensive: A Lens. I am seeing that those aren't any cheap and not cheaper than 120-150€ and that's not a bargain. 

I have no rush with this camera. I need the bateries and charger to test it out, as I can send it back to the seller if it's not correct, but i will need a lens. Hopefully some bargain will come along at some moment.

So there you have my Q-nfession,


I'll piggyback on this! It's a very capable little camera, that has a very good nostalgic feel to it's photos.  Almost film grain like to me despite it being digital noise, I had the original Q and unfortunately it got lost when I moved a few years ago.  But some of my favorite physical prints are from that camera.  They look like 35mm film 

Quote from Daniel Gonzalez on August 15, 2024, 10:36 am

Alright so I'll need to follow your advice and list it for parts, as I got some bateries and charger and it seems to not turn on.

It's a shame, but hopefully I'll be able to make my money back and find a better Q that works in the future.

Were you able to sell it? My first Q, a Q10, had a problem where it wouldn't turn on unless the battery was fully charged and then sat in the camera for a while. Supposedly charging the internal battery. Then I could either get it on then, or take out the battery charge it again and place it back in again. 

Anyway, if I was frequently using the camera it was never an issue. It's when it sat on the shelf for a while. From what I've read this is because of that internal battery draining. 

Daniel Gonzalez has reacted to this post.
Daniel Gonzalez
Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from James Warner on August 28, 2024, 5:00 pm
Quote from Daniel Gonzalez on August 15, 2024, 10:36 am

Alright so I'll need to follow your advice and list it for parts, as I got some bateries and charger and it seems to not turn on.

It's a shame, but hopefully I'll be able to make my money back and find a better Q that works in the future.

Were you able to sell it? My first Q, a Q10, had a problem where it wouldn't turn on unless the battery was fully charged and then sat in the camera for a while. Supposedly charging the internal battery. Then I could either get it on then, or take out the battery charge it again and place it back in again. 

Anyway, if I was frequently using the camera it was never an issue. It's when it sat on the shelf for a while. From what I've read this is because of that internal battery draining. 

Ahhh thank you James. 

Someone else pointed that out to me out of this forum but I tried that and the camera seemed to not run anyways so yes I sold it on ebay for the money I payed for it, and will wait for another one to come up 🙂 

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