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How do you clean your cameras/lenses?

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Quote from HeggenDazs on May 28, 2022, 6:04 pm

@james-warner-b Saw your vid! It looks so much better, one thing I could recommend that'll sparkle up that back screen is maybe some turtle wax. Just rub it in circles for a while, they also say that brasso does a good job if you have that around the house (if push comes to shove the clear coat fixer they sell for cars may also work but that would be my last resort because I think that could leave some film and remove any protective coating that's in the screen perhaps making it more reflective or less legible outdoors). That should breathe a little more life into that poor back screen.

Tested the brasso last week to see what it would do on plastic and poly since I had read this fix online so many times. DO NOT USE BRASSO. It basically just left massive swirlies that I had to fix with clear coat scratch fix and a buffer. Glad I tried it after hearing about it so much.

rubbing alcohol and q tips is how i clean sensors. simple, cheap and does the job.

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Is that even street bro?
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