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Hi everyone here

I am a newbie photographer just start for one year, I usually use Nikon P950 Hyper zoom bridge camera because I only has P950
just take about 40k shot most of it is a Portrait picture(Cosplay) and some street picture
here the photo that take with 2000mm f6.5 (1/2.3 5.6time crop sensor)
I found snappiness on yt while I am searching about pentax dslr camera and I really love this channel
(btw sorry for bad english if I write something wrong)

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James Warner has reacted to this post.
James Warner

Welcome! What an intriguing camera. ... with a 24-2000mm optical zoom range! wow. Do you use a tripod at 2000mm ?

Firm Incharoen has reacted to this post.
Firm Incharoen

the image stabilization work well enough to shoot in 2000mm without tripod but some time have I to use it too

in this photo I shoot in 2000mm handheld with 1/400 shutter speed

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  • DSCN3260.jpg
Quote from Firm Incharoen on August 2, 2024, 6:37 am

the image stabilization work well enough to shoot in 2000mm without tripod but some time have I to use it too

in this photo I shoot in 2000mm handheld with 1/400 shutter speed

Welcome! Great shots and cool camera! One of my first cameras was a super zoom (panasonic), so they have a special place in my heart. Great to see you getting the most out of it's versatility. 

Happy snappin' 🙂