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Hello from Illinois!

First off big props to James for a wonderful and informative Youtube channel and website. I found out about it when looking into older Canon DSLR and if people are still shoot them in 2022. One of his videos showed up on the search with him using a 40D and getting exceptional images from it. I browsed some of the other video's on the channel and I was hooked. I've now been scouring the webs for deals on making my own poor mans Ricoh GRIIIX kit, looking for a affordable Pentax system and dipping my toes in M4/3. (<All on a budget.)

The channel has also inspired me to get out of my brand comfort zone and try other systems. Sorry, don't flog me, but I'm a current Canon shooter. ๐Ÿ™‚

I've been shooting consistently since 2009 and have went through a lot of different phases and styles. You can see some of my images on ( โ€“ Unfortunately this is not current and only has stuff posted on it up till ~2014. I primarily shoot Canon digital, but go in spurts with phone, 35mm and instant films. I've really been intrigued in the 10-16mp range, 4/3's systems and CCD sensors since watching the channel.

Thanks for all the great content! I look forward to contributing to the forum (Community) and learning from others!





Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruceJBPEckyH

Welcome to the forum! You have a wide array of photographic interests - you're definitely in the right place. ๐Ÿ™‚

Quote from RyanG on July 25, 2022, 5:52 pm

The channel has also inspired me to get out of my brand comfort zone and try other systems. Sorry, don't flog me, but I'm a current Canon shooter. ๐Ÿ™‚

Congrats on getting out of your comfort zone, that's always a rewarding experience. Hard to know what you like before you try it. ๐Ÿ™‚ But there will be no flogging here! Canon is as welcome as any other camera. I've always had a soft spot for them myself, having started my photographic journey with a Canon AE-1 Program. They make good stuff. ๐Ÿ™‚

Beau Carpenter, SpruceBruce and RyanG have reacted to this post.
Beau CarpenterSpruceBruceRyanG

I'll only chime in to second what @jbp said!

The community here is awesome, I think you'll feel right at home.

The Canon 5D mark 1 is a favorite in my collection. Almost listed it on Ebay when I was clearing things out this past month, but decided not to let it go for now ๐Ÿ˜

SpruceBruce and JBP have reacted to this post.