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Hello from Brisbane

Hi there!

I'm Ruby, from Brisbane Australia. I found this forum through a certain Sony DSC F828 video, and this seems like the place to be!

I've been a hobbyist photographer for a couple years, only just starting to do "real" gigs and event work on the side. I shoot mostly Fuji X for serious stuff, but I enjoy playing around with early digital cameras, Pentax film cameras, and anything weird and culty (I have a growing collection of Sony Mavica floppy disk cameras lol).

See you around!

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Quote from Ruby on October 12, 2022, 11:00 pm

Hi there!

I'm Ruby, from Brisbane Australia. I found this forum through a certain Sony DSC F828 video, and this seems like the place to be!

I've been a hobbyist photographer for a couple years, only just starting to do "real" gigs and event work on the side. I shoot mostly Fuji X for serious stuff, but I enjoy playing around with early digital cameras, Pentax film cameras, and anything weird and culty (I have a growing collection of Sony Mavica floppy disk cameras lol).

See you around!

Ruby, welcome! I love my Sony F828 😀 I still use it. And I just have the two Sony Mavica's (you probably saw my video) but I do play to get one or two more to throw in the mix. They are just so cool!

We have a lot of Fuji shooters here, and a good mix of film and early digital cameras too. It's a fun crowd. I look forward to seeing you pictures and hearing your thoughts here!

Happy snappin' 🙂

Hello from Country Victoria Ruby!

Amazing news about starting to do gigs and I love the camera collection.

take care now!