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Hey all!

My name is Amy and I live in Tucson, Arizona with my husband and 4 cats. I became obsessed with photography as a teen (in the 90s! doing darkroom!) but slowly lost it in aim the mid-2000s. First I couldn’t find an apartment where I could do darkroom. Then I injured my neck and shoulders — bye bye D70s, too heavy 🥲 Then all the “practical” smaller digital cameras I tried left me cold… I had DPReviewitis and didn’t know it. The final blow was dealt by a virus that left me far too sick for years (much like long covid).

My health is much better now and it’s just NOW that I’m stumbling into all the vintage digital cameras that would’ve made me so happy back then. I’m pissed 😂

(Also, I somehow didn’t know that nice point & shoot film cameras were a thing? I only ever used SLRs and medium format!)

I love to shoot a little bit of everything, and have a frighteningly deep drawer full of cameras and lenses — I went too many years without and now I can’t help myself!


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James Warner, Tristan Carlos and 7 other users have reacted to this post.
James WarnerTristan CarlosKankRatSpruceBruceGawaddenniscrommettCarlJBPPaul Wilkinson

Nice work.

ahoyhere has reacted to this post.

Welcome! Glad that you were able to get back into photography. I've gone through some photography lulls myself for various reasons - life is definitely more enjoyable when you're able to photograph it along the way.

Beautiful photos, I look forward to seeing more. 🙂

Tristan Carlos, denniscrommett and ahoyhere have reacted to this post.
Tristan Carlosdenniscrommettahoyhere
Quote from ahoyhere on February 5, 2022, 5:51 pm

Hey all!

My name is Amy and I live in Tucson, Arizona with my husband and 4 cats. I became obsessed with photography as a teen (in the 90s! doing darkroom!) but slowly lost it in aim the mid-2000s. First I couldn’t find an apartment where I could do darkroom. Then I injured my neck and shoulders — bye bye D70s, too heavy 🥲 Then all the “practical” smaller digital cameras I tried left me cold… I had DPReviewitis and didn’t know it. The final blow was dealt by a virus that left me far too sick for years (much like long covid).

My health is much better now and it’s just NOW that I’m stumbling into all the vintage digital cameras that would’ve made me so happy back then. I’m pissed 😂

(Also, I somehow didn’t know that nice point & shoot film cameras were a thing? I only ever used SLRs and medium format!)

I love to shoot a little bit of everything, and have a frighteningly deep drawer full of cameras and lenses — I went too many years without and now I can’t help myself!


Hi and welcome!  Glad to hear you're recovering!  Those shots are beautiful, ever since getting into photography.  A western coast roadtrip is on my bucket list.  Arizona is such a beautiful place and so much variety to shoot.

Quote from SpruceBruce
Hi and welcome!  Glad to hear you're recovering!  Those shots are beautiful, ever since getting into photography.  A western coast roadtrip is on my bucket list.  Arizona is such a beautiful place and so much variety to shoot.

Thanks! You won’t regret it… the American southwest is one of the most beautiful places on earth, I think.

Hey and Hello There!

Glad to see you getting back! would you mind telling me about all the cameras? also, have fun shooting vintage digital cameras ^^


on another note: your photos are stunning. the colors. and the b/w has such great contrast!

ahoyhere has reacted to this post.
Is that even street bro?


Thank you!

First shot is from a Pentax Q with the kit zoom.

Second is from a Sigma Dp1x.

Third is from Ricoh GXR M with a Jupiter 12 lens.

Last is from an infrared converted point & shoot Panasonic I got off ebay.

There are some more details on my Flickr:

SpruceBruce and Carl have reacted to this post.