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Greetings from England.


I really enjoy the YouTube channel, very informative. it's tough to find a camera with a bit of 'personality', so Snappiness provides an excellent resource. I look forward to being here and sharing in the enjoyment of photography.


EckyH has reacted to this post.
Quote from nictu on November 9, 2022, 9:02 pm


I really enjoy the YouTube channel, very informative. it's tough to find a camera with a bit of 'personality', so Snappiness provides an excellent resource. I look forward to being here and sharing in the enjoyment of photography.



Glad to have you join our community over here! It's a good group of people, and very knowledgable about all things old and new cameras. Feel free to ask any questions and share your work!

Happy snappin' šŸ™‚