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F series zooms

This is kind of aimed at Snappy but anyone feel free to join in.

What do you think of the F series zoom lenses?

I know that Snappy has done reviews of all the prime lenses, I used to have when starting out the 30-80mm or was it a 28-80 I can't remember.

I haven't used any of the F zoom lenses seriously yet. I've come across them in lots in the past but then sold them without paying much attention, but now I am interested in them with my Pentax-F obsession!

The ones I have my eyes on are:

35-70mm f3.5-4.5

35-105mm f4-5.6

70-210 f4-5.6

Those are the ones I keep hearing the highest praises about and are relatively cheap. They do have the 35-135 and I just checked the reviews on PentaxForums and they are pretty good, minus the aberrations. Sometimes these older zoom lenses do struggle with that with these older coatings.

Anyway, I'll get to them eventually. I just am pretty backed up with lenses right now to play with that I haven't pursued them. Sorry that isn't very helpful, haha!

Happy snappin' 🙂

I currently own the 70-210 f4-5.6 in both Takumar and Pentax flavors and the Pentax 35-70 f3.5-4.5 Macro. I inherited the Pentax 70-210 and the 35-70, but I know you can buy them online for less than $60 a piece. For the money there's not really any serious competition. For the price, I say if you're really looking for a fix in that range of lens, go for it. The IQ won't blow your mind and it'll probably have some sort of lens haze (or at least I've seen a lot with haze, not a ton without) I'd recommend checking out my flickr album of shots done with F series zooms if you're considering grabbing one.



Lock5 has reacted to this post.

The EXIF data for the Takumar 70-210 is the same as the Pentax, btw. But, I think all shots after October 26th are on the Takumar.

Just bought the 35-135mm so looking forward to trying that out on the k10d. Ill up load a few shots when I have.

James Warner has reacted to this post.
James Warner

Congrats! I look forward to seeing what you can do with the lens. What kinda price did you get if you don’t mind me asking? And what sorta condition?