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Experience with the 5d or 5dII?

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Quote from Luke Green on July 17, 2024, 6:15 pm

Pulled the trigger on a mark ii and it arrived yesterday. Found one that had about 40,000 shutter clicks so hopefully it has a long life ahead of it for me.

Here's a quick little test shot I took today. I'm taking it on a beach trip tomorrow as my only camera so I'll really get a feel for it then. First impressions:

  • It's very big, but I really like the way it feels. Picking my OM-1 back up after made it feel tiny and sharp around the edges
  • I didn't realize how much I rely on EVF exposure previews and histogram info. Definitely will make this more challenging but fun and a good exercise for me

Hope you enjoy the slapping mirror and actually seeing trough the lens.

It's big but maybe you can find a BG-E6 and make it even bigger 😉

Here to give my final update - I really am enjoying the camera! Thanks to everyone who offered opinions.

Here's a couple shots from sunset at the beach this weekend - also took a lot of family photos and was really happy with how they turned out.

 Last fish before the sun goes down and the rain comes in by Luke Green, on Flickr

 Beach sunset by Luke Green, on Flickr


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