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DXO Deep Prime XD

I am trialing the new Photolab 6.  Mainly to try out the DEEP Prime XD (extra deep?). So far my initial impression has been that it's significantly slower.  Could be my computer. I am not seeing a tremendous difference between it and Deep Prime (Classic?) .  I don't know if this is helpful. ISO 2800. Pretty grainy unprocessed.

Left is Deep Prime right is XD

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Quote from KankRat on October 22, 2022, 3:20 pm

I am trialing the new Photolab 6.  Mainly to try out the DEEP Prime XD (extra deep?). So far my initial impression has been that it's significantly slower.  Could be my computer. I am not seeing a tremendous difference between it and Deep Prime (Classic?) .  I don't know if this is helpful. ISO 2800. Pretty grainy unprocessed.

Left is Deep Prime right is XD

Interesting, I don't see a difference either. I wonder if it starts to show more at even higher ISOs?

I'm planning on trying Photolab 6 out soon too actually, so interested in this. What computer do you have? I have a M1 macbook now, and the PureRaw software is a lot slower on it than it was on my nvidia GPU on my old desktop, but that's to be understood. Probably optimized for GPU.

Happy snappin' 🙂

I have a Mac mini, I3 quad core, with 16gigs of RAM. SSD Drive.

It would be nice if PL6 would replace LR but I don't think it will will for me.  all the new masking capabilities in LR are just too great.

I am probably just going to pull the trigger on the Pure RAW plug in.


takes about 16 seconds to process 1 image for me with deep prime xd, on my ryzen 3700x 8core 16thread system with 32gb ram, gtx1070 and on a fast nvme drive.  it pegged my gpu utilization at 100% during that time but barely uses my cpu.

Quote from HoLun on November 4, 2022, 4:59 pm

takes about 16 seconds to process 1 image for me with deep prime xd, on my ryzen 3700x 8core 16thread system with 32gb ram, gtx1070 and on a fast nvme drive.  it pegged my gpu utilization at 100% during that time but barely uses my cpu.

Do you see a difference between DP and DPXD?

XD looks like its just cranked up Deep prime to me, it gets wonky like AI generated art, weird smudges etc. i think it looks similar when I crank up the regular deep prime's model slider to max

But deep prime it self is very good, i have used K-30, K-01 all the way to 12800 iso and it looks decent. like iso400 film stuff

attached a quick snap

taken on a K-01  40mm XS @ 12800iso

Deep prime at 40, cropped


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Deep prime XD of the same shot

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  • IMGP1207_DxO-10.jpg

I had the trial. It did a good job. Tiny bit more feather detail on a bird. Tough to tell apart.

its does great either way, only with extreme noise it start to become weird, basically on anything I own iso 100-1600 might as well be the same with these advanced NR. it really breaths new life back into old camera, makes me wish my K200 can go higher than 1600iso.

the lens sharpness function also does amazing things if your lens/body combo are supported, makes a kit lens looks really sharp without causing weird artifacts, where as if you use unsharp mask/contrast to sharpen it always makes things looks worse if you push too hard.