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Do you have more than one camera, if so, why?

Do you have more than one camera?
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Yes, two
Yes, more than two
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Hey @dcrommett, absolutely 👍

I have quite a few on my Instagram, here are some of my favorites:


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Thank you both, @james-warner-b and @beau-carpenter! Those are awesome, and I'll take a look on your Flickr and Instagram respectively as well. Thanks!

Beau Carpenter has reacted to this post.
Beau Carpenter

I have more equipment than I ever need.  I'm always browsing ebay/ FB Marketplace, and my local camera store for great deals.  I try to rotate and use them all equally.  Each of my bodies have a unique feel or niche that they do certain things better.  I'm a huge Nikon and Pentax enthusiast. Although of late, James' video on the Olympus 4/3 DSLR system has me considering pulling the trigger on a super cheap deal.

My collection consists of:

Full frame

Nikon Df - this is a lowlight monster and awesome sensor out of the flagship D4.  I love that I can shoot with my collection of vintage Nikon Nikkor primes. Nikon bodies aren't as a compatible with older manual lenses as the Pentax K Mount is.  The dials and controls are laid out like a classic manual film camera as well.


Pentax KP - Mattias Burling convinced me to get this crop sensor beast.  My first Pentax DSLR, I can't say anything negative about it.  The colors SOOC blow my mind, I use it with the 35mm Macro and 15mm Limited, 18-135mm WR/50-200, and my old SMC M 28 F2.8 & 50 F2.

Nikon Z50 - it's a great budget mirrorless camera compared to offerings from Fuji/Canon and the Nikon Z6/7.


LX100 II - my favorite camera to throw in my pocket or backpack to go.  The Leica equivalent of 24-75 lens on a budget built into a collapsible body with full manual controls ticks all my needs as a photographer. Perhaps one day I'll sell it for a Ricoh GR, if they ever release a model with a small zoom lens.

35mm Film

Pentax K1000

Canon Snappy TX Macro PnS

Nikon N65

And lastly the Pentax Q, which I haven't played with too much.  The fact you can shoot 8/16mm cine lenses won me over.








James Warner has reacted to this post.
James Warner
Quote from SpruceBruce on April 1, 2021, 9:16 am

I have more equipment than I ever need.  I'm always browsing ebay/ FB Marketplace, and my local camera store for great deals.  I try to rotate and use them all equally.  Each of my bodies have a unique feel or niche that they do certain things better.  I'm a huge Nikon and Pentax enthusiast. Although of late, James' video on the Olympus 4/3 DSLR system has me considering pulling the trigger on a super cheap deal.

My collection consists of:

Full frame

Nikon Df - this is a lowlight monster and awesome sensor out of the flagship D4.  I love that I can shoot with my collection of vintage Nikon Nikkor primes. Nikon bodies aren't as a compatible with older manual lenses as the Pentax K Mount is.  The dials and controls are laid out like a classic manual film camera as well.


Pentax KP - Mattias Burling convinced me to get this crop sensor beast.  My first Pentax DSLR, I can't say anything negative about it.  The colors SOOC blow my mind, I use it with the 35mm Macro and 15mm Limited, 18-135mm WR/50-200, and my old SMC M 28 F2.8 & 50 F2.

Nikon Z50 - it's a great budget mirrorless camera compared to offerings from Fuji/Canon and the Nikon Z6/7.


LX100 II - my favorite camera to throw in my pocket or backpack to go.  The Leica equivalent of 24-75 lens on a budget built into a collapsible body with full manual controls ticks all my needs as a photographer. Perhaps one day I'll sell it for a Ricoh GR, if they ever release a model with a small zoom lens.

35mm Film

Pentax K1000

Canon Snappy TX Macro PnS

Nikon N65

And lastly the Pentax Q, which I haven't played with too much.  The fact you can shoot 8/16mm cine lenses won me over.

That is a camera collection of an enthusiast gear hunter, that's for sure! Each one of those models has something special about it, no junk. Well, I guess you'll find out about that Canon when you get the film developed. I don't have experience with film point and shoots except as a kid. Very fun. I'm the same way with always picking up too much gear. Lately it has been anything I can buy around $50. I've gotten some fun ones. But I'd like to also build up a quality array like you have. Rather have 4-5 nice unique cameras than 15+ good ones with nothing particularly amazing about them except they are cheap.

Happy snappin' 🙂

Yup you nailed it, I went from starting with a Nikon D3500 and a D7200.  Realized they were just meh and pretty similar and redundant. I started slowly finding unique cameras, I really blame Mattias Burling for getting me into this obsession.  I love your YouTube content, I'm not a latest and greatest gear guy.  I stumbled into your channel researching the Q and some K mount lenses. Although after watching the latest videos on the K3 III, I might want to grab one down the line. One of my coworkers scoffs at me, he has a Canon RP and needs the autofocus he says.  I can't justify that 3k plus cost for one system. I work tons of OT and roadtrips on my days off to feed the addiction.  I forgot to mention I have a Yashica LM TLR as well, whose SN indicates it was built in 1956.  I got it off my local FB Marketplace for $30.  Freed the stuck Copal mechanical shutter, and have a roll of Porta 160 loaded waiting for the spring bloom to shoot with it.

James Warner has reacted to this post.
James Warner

I do xDD
More than one and two.

It comes down to what I picture. Motorsport. There as you have just a few time to cover the event (cars on the starting line + racing) you need to swap lenses very quick, so it's best if you can use 2 bodies and 2 lenses by themselves.

So I have a K3 Silver + K3-II i bought as a bargain in a camera shop where they had second hand stuff and it was including the 18-135mm lens. The pack was 320 euros and I sold the lens for 220 xDD

Then I got a chance to start shooting at some Formula 1 Events and there Canon and Nikon used to borrow lenses to Canon and Nikon users, but I had none. And at my first F1 event I met a guy the last day of racing (actually when I was about to leave) that checked my images and my gear and told me to buy that Canon camera that lens bla bla (it sumes up to 5K euros in buying stuff) and work for him next year. Well I did not do that because..... 5000 euros for a race? So I bought a second hand Canon 50d and a second hand Canon 35-350mm lens (very versatile) + a 50mm lens because it was cheap and 50's are great. That combo was pretty cheap. And at the time that month we had 2 consecutive weekends of racing at the race track so I gave it a go. Well the 50d died just after the second race so I sent it back to the shop, and the 35-350mm was very bad at 350mm so I also returned it (sorry seller!).  But kept the 50mm.

Then back to the Canon/Nikon borrow the F1 next race I attended the next year was here home and I went to buy a Canon 7D because I had a 50mm already and a good friend of mine also gave me a 28mm lens. Plus if they let me lenses why not? That weekend I borrowed a 400mm f2.8 and a 70-200mm f2.8 and the 400 works very good the 70-200mm does but not as much.

Anyways i also thought that while travelling abroard (I went to Montecarlo and Italy with F1 and for other races) packed with 2 bodies and 4 lenses and a laptop and so on (cables, chargers, extra batteries, flash.....) its a problem sometimes as sometimes the flight assistants check passengers lugage (and my backpack is quite big and heavy), so I thought that one body and a 28 and a 50mm would be great for that matter. But then Covid came, restrictions came, and F1 is now impossible to reach for me, as an independent photographer. Plus I've heard now Canon and Nikon do not borrow lenses at events.

Well that is the reason why for this one. Then I bought a Canon Eos M10 because I had those two lenses the 28mm and the 50mm and 2 years ago a friend and I were going to visit Albania and North Macedonia here in Europe and I thought "okay those are poorer countries than ours, so maybe a dslr camera is somehow too much at some point" so I decided to bring my Pentax camera with one lens and the small Canon M10 + the 28mm lens and even if I had no issues at all using my Dslr, at places like the beach or small markets I rather took the M10 so if it gets robbed, lost, if it gets sand or what so ever I couldn't care less. That i why I have this one.

And then...... the K5 my precious and beloved K5. I will never get rid of her. I bought her in 2014 in a trip over a month we did with friends to Japan and it cost me 250 euros while here in Barcelona people was asking for 450-500euros for a body. And I love that camera. Just how it works. Its a love of a camera.

And also I started with film photography. So I bought a K1000 but it has some issue and doesn't stamp image in the roll, so I thought I'd buy a Zenit K mount camera so I can use my K mount lenses on. And got a Zenit 122K with the Helios 58mm 44-K4 but that is taking me time to learn it.

I have here my old Kodak Instamatic 25 which is the one that started it all and the one I was using as a kid. And I bought a Voigtlander Vitoret L some months ago (my most recent purchase) because my grandfather that I never got to meet was shooting film. And my mother always explained me how my grandpa loved photography so so much and how he had a Voigtlander camera and how the lost it on some holidays. And one day my mother told me "yes it was a small camera" (I always pictured the Voigtlander as a big Voigtlander camera) so I pick up my phone, research and shown her a photo and asked her "was it like this one?" she said yes and so I went for a cheap Vitoret. Its lovely. I'm shooting my first roll on it but its cute, and I like it. Yet my father told me that is not the model my grandad used and of course they don't know which one is but when I showed it to my mother the look in her eyes remembering the camera of her father was worthy.

So there you have it. Those are my 8 cameras and the reason why I got them.

James Warner has reacted to this post.
James Warner
My social media:
Quote from SpruceBruce on April 2, 2021, 7:28 am

Yup you nailed it, I went from starting with a Nikon D3500 and a D7200.  Realized they were just meh and pretty similar and redundant. I started slowly finding unique cameras, I really blame Mattias Burling for getting me into this obsession.  I love your YouTube content, I'm not a latest and greatest gear guy.  I stumbled into your channel researching the Q and some K mount lenses. Although after watching the latest videos on the K3 III, I might want to grab one down the line. One of my coworkers scoffs at me, he has a Canon RP and needs the autofocus he says.  I can't justify that 3k plus cost for one system. I work tons of OT and roadtrips on my days off to feed the addiction.  I forgot to mention I have a Yashica LM TLR as well, whose SN indicates it was built in 1956.  I got it off my local FB Marketplace for $30.  Freed the stuck Copal mechanical shutter, and have a roll of Porta 160 loaded waiting for the spring bloom to shoot with it.

Mattias and a bunch of people on PentaxForums who were shooting six megapixel cameras started me on this funny journey. I've always liked camera gear, but never had the money to try a bunch. Well, now old digital cameras are getting so cheap. Not cheap when you buy 10 a year. I'm still working on that 😛

I'll make a list of what I have so far when I have a minute. It's always changing though. I'll use something until something catches my eye, then sell it to help fund the next old thing. Marie Kondo style. 🙂

Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from SpruceBruce on April 2, 2021, 7:28 am

I really blame Mattias Burling for getting me into this obsession.

I'm definitely here partially because of him as well. What I loved is that there are a lot of photographers, especially youtube photographers, who push the latest and greatest, and if they don't, say that a spec is inferior, but still tolerable. Mattias' outlook is that not only are a lot of these older cameras still capable of making beautiful pictures, their uniqueness, idiosyncrasies, and limitations are something which ought to be appreciated and celebrated. It gave me the courage to be happy with only using a point and shoot for a whole year, and after that, switch to vintage glass on a cheaper mirrorless body.


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^ Ugh, my post, sorry I forgot to log in again

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Ever striving for minimum competency
Quote from Justin Tung on April 4, 2021, 2:56 pm

^ Ugh, my post, sorry I forgot to log in again

Even as the owner of this forum I do this all the time. 🤣 I wish the template had a better way to indicate when you're logged in or not...


SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂
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