Chicago Marathon Shots

Quote from KankRat on February 6, 2022, 3:18 pmI am going to clean out my Flickr page so I am reviewing a bunch of old shots. This was 2017. About 25.75 miles into the race. This is the top 10 finishers. You have to see this in person to appreciate how fast these people are and the photos captured what amazing form they have even this late in the race.
Galen Rupp won with 2:06:35 which is 4:49 per mile. I read to somewhere that to drop the pack his splits for 5K was in the 4:20s. I've run 8 Chicago Marathons and 2 Boston with what I refer to as a high level of mediocrity. It's hard to wrap my brain around that pace for 1 mile much less, 26. LOL who am I kidding, I could do not 100m at that pace. There is a photo of Brigid Kosgei in there where you can see sweat or spit flying off her. I wish that one was a bit sharper.
Used my D7000 and 70-300mm, ISO 6400 I think they came out pretty good for that high ISO.
I am going to clean out my Flickr page so I am reviewing a bunch of old shots. This was 2017. About 25.75 miles into the race. This is the top 10 finishers. You have to see this in person to appreciate how fast these people are and the photos captured what amazing form they have even this late in the race.
Galen Rupp won with 2:06:35 which is 4:49 per mile. I read to somewhere that to drop the pack his splits for 5K was in the 4:20s. I've run 8 Chicago Marathons and 2 Boston with what I refer to as a high level of mediocrity. It's hard to wrap my brain around that pace for 1 mile much less, 26. LOL who am I kidding, I could do not 100m at that pace. There is a photo of Brigid Kosgei in there where you can see sweat or spit flying off her. I wish that one was a bit sharper.
Used my D7000 and 70-300mm, ISO 6400 I think they came out pretty good for that high ISO.
Quote from JBP on February 6, 2022, 5:18 pmReally great stuff. You're right about the ISO, if you had asked me to guess I would have said 800-1600. When I was younger a did a little bit of track in school (stopped when I was told I had "exercise-induced asthma" which I seem to no longer have). I can't imagine doing that now. The one of Kosgei is tops, so much feeling in that photo.
Really great stuff. You're right about the ISO, if you had asked me to guess I would have said 800-1600. When I was younger a did a little bit of track in school (stopped when I was told I had "exercise-induced asthma" which I seem to no longer have). I can't imagine doing that now. The one of Kosgei is tops, so much feeling in that photo.