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Canon EOS-1N

Hey yáll.

I was listing to the Sunny Sixteen Podcast the other day ( highly recommend by the way), they mentioned in passing the Canon EOS-1N.

The reason for it's mention, that being it's film camera with a EF mount, with many of the auto features we have come accustomed to with digital cameras. So if you have a canon EF lens collection and you wanted to dip your toe into 35mm film with some ease and convenience, it could be a great and easy option.

Looking on Ebay, it's pretty reasonable.

I would love to see someone throw one of the higher end canon lens like the EF 50mm or 85mm  f1.2 on the EOS-1N! Dreamy and Creamy filmic highlight rolloff and bokeh. Someone for the love of all that is holy. Do it! Do it NOW!

Anyone with one? How is your experience?

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I do not personally own one but I have seen some guys in another forum shooting modern EF glass on the 1N, I also know that it's not the only option for shooting modern EF on film.

The results of new, beautiful lenses on a film body of course are amazing sharpness, great flare performance, great color reproduction. Etc.

If you already own EF glass I'd highly recommend getting something to the effect of the 1N, some of the older Film Rebels with the EF mount, the ELAN series SLRs, etc. It would complement that glass nicely.

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