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Canon Dial 35-2 - Half Frame Strangeness

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Quote from James Warner on August 14, 2023, 1:25 pm

Man, that lens and film combo really is such a vibe! I agree about some of these pictures looking like they were taken decades ago, which is really cool! In some ways, they are almost timeless. Not that there aren't hints of what time period, and obviously there's certain times you can eliminate, but because it's so hard to tell at first it really puts you in a different place when viewing them.

I like getting those types of pictures of my family too. Most images of my kids (by quantity) are from a smartphone. Nothing wrong with that, but I think it's good to have some documentation in different mediums. I think they will appreciate seeing pictures of themselves that are more raw, more real, less processed by modern image algorithms on smartphones. It's like getting an image of yourself from a different time period.


Thanks, I was really happy with how well the first roll came back from the camera. The meter is working perfectly and seems surprisingly accurate given its age, and after the minor work, the clockwork motor hasn't missed a beat. Lomo Lady Grey turned out to be a great match for the camera, but I'm really wanting to put some colour film through it next, getting 72 from a 36 roll doesn't hurt either.

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A video review of the Dial 35-2, provides a closer look at the camera and more images from it.

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