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Best film for the desert?


it finally happend, I can start my next Morocco trip in 2 weeks. This will be my first time in Africa since May 2019.

Also it will be the first time, I take my Pentax 645 with me, I shot on film in Morocco and the Sahara desert before, mostly on Kodak Gold 200, but only in 35mm.

What 120er film stock would you recommend to me?

On my last trip in Turkey I shot on Kodak Ektar 100 and I quiet liked the high contrast, also the resonable price. Do you think the Ektar would also be finde in the desert?


SpruceBruce and JBP have reacted to this post.
Quote from xoQUox on April 12, 2022, 10:39 am


it finally happend, I can start my next Morocco trip in 2 weeks. This will be my first time in Africa since May 2019.

Also it will be the first time, I take my Pentax 645 with me, I shot on film in Morocco and the Sahara desert before, mostly on Kodak Gold 200, but only in 35mm.

What 120er film stock would you recommend to me?

On my last trip in Turkey I shot on Kodak Ektar 100 and I quiet liked the high contrast, also the resonable price. Do you think the Ektar would also be finde in the desert?


Sounds like an amazing trip, and even more fun with the Pentax 645 in tow. I haven't ever shot 120 so I'll defer to those here who have. Didn't Kodak gold also just release in 120?

xoQUox has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

@james-warner-b. Yes Kodak Gold just got released in 120 Format.

@xoquox For CN C41, I've shot Portra 160 and Lomo 800 on Medium Format so far.  I really love the Lomo 800 film looks for landscape.  Portra had a tad magenta hue to it, for my own personal likes, but I also shot it in the Midwest when there was a lot of Forest Fire smoke.  So that could have possibly affected the color.

These two are Portra 160 on the Pentax 67 with the SMC M 55MM F3.5

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James Warner and xoQUox have reacted to this post.
James WarnerxoQUox

Thanks for your answares.

I managed to get a 5 pack of the Kodak Gold 200  for unter 50€.  The Ektar 100 5 pack costs right now something about 70€.  It's a little bit cheaper, but medium format is still a very expensiv hobby.

I have one roll of the Ektar left, so I can compare the two films. My trip starts on monday, I will post every other day or so a vlog on my YouTube channel (in german)  so if you are interested, you can follow my Morocco tour.


James Warner and SpruceBruce have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBruce

Great! I will check out that channel. Hope you're enjoying your trip now!

Happy snappin' 🙂
Quote from xoQUox on April 12, 2022, 10:39 am


it finally happend, I can start my next Morocco trip in 2 weeks. This will be my first time in Africa since May 2019.

Also it will be the first time, I take my Pentax 645 with me, I shot on film in Morocco and the Sahara desert before, mostly on Kodak Gold 200, but only in 35mm.

What 120er film stock would you recommend to me?

On my last trip in Turkey I shot on Kodak Ektar 100 and I quiet liked the high contrast, also the resonable price. Do you think the Ektar would also be finde in the desert?


I think your intuition is right on the money. I'd go Ektar 100 all day long. It's my favorite filmstock just generally, but I think it would really bring out the richness of a landscape that may otherwise have less of a chromatic pop.

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