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An indulgence....a Leica

So this was purely an...indulgence. I currently have COVID. Feel really not great. I was surfing the interwebs just looking at photo stuff. I was actually eyeing off a Fujifilm X-Pro1. I came across a Leica X1. 2009 vintage APS-C CMOS 12.2 megapixels kinda beautiful really. Here in Australia as I've mentioned before ANYTHING remotely camera related is really expensive regardless of age. I ended up snaffling it for $600 AUD (converts to $430USD).

Can not wait for it to arrive. My wife did her usual....what do I get as a present for you getting a present? She balked at a Fujifilm X-Pro1 hahahaha.

James Warner, SpruceBruce and denniscrommett have reacted to this post.
James WarnerSpruceBrucedenniscrommett
Quote from Just take the shot on June 1, 2022, 3:07 am

So this was purely an...indulgence. I currently have COVID. Feel really not great. I was surfing the interwebs just looking at photo stuff. I was actually eyeing off a Fujifilm X-Pro1. I came across a Leica X1. 2009 vintage APS-C CMOS 12.2 megapixels kinda beautiful really. Here in Australia as I've mentioned before ANYTHING remotely camera related is really expensive regardless of age. I ended up snaffling it for $600 AUD (converts to $430USD).

Can not wait for it to arrive. My wife did her usual....what do I get as a present for you getting a present? She balked at a Fujifilm X-Pro1 hahahaha.

I'm really interested in your thoughts when you get it and have the chance to take some snaps. The one old Leica I've looked at seriously is the Leica Digilux 2. It was made along with Panasonic and is essentially the same cameras as the Panasonic DMC-L1. Just cool hard to find cameras that probably aren't worth the extra price you pay for how rare they are, but that makes it all the more interesting to chase 😀

But I haven't looked into any of the other old Leica digitals like that X1. Know nothing about it.

Happy snappin' 🙂

It's arrived!!!! I have it. I'm busting to get out and shoot. I'll post some shots and my first impressions soon.

SpruceBruce has reacted to this post.
Quote from Just take the shot on June 3, 2022, 4:33 am

It's arrived!!!! I have it. I'm busting to get out and shoot. I'll post some shots and my first impressions soon.

Excited to see how you do with it! Mattias Burling did a video review on the X1.  He got great results out of it, keeping the ISO low.


There's a guy selling a DigiLux 2 in Minneapolis.  Not sure whether or not, he'd ship or take an offer.  It's been there a long time.


Quote from SpruceBruce on June 4, 2022, 4:09 am
Quote from Just take the shot on June 3, 2022, 4:33 am

It's arrived!!!! I have it. I'm busting to get out and shoot. I'll post some shots and my first impressions soon.

Mattias Burling did a video review on the X1.

His review was kinda the last one I needed to see to push me to pull the trigger. I do not want to be a Leica fanboy but there really is something about the colours. It's a....ummmm....warm look? I think that's how I'd describe them.

Quote from SpruceBruce on June 4, 2022, 4:09 am
Quote from Just take the shot on June 3, 2022, 4:33 am

It's arrived!!!! I have it. I'm busting to get out and shoot. I'll post some shots and my first impressions soon.

Excited to see how you do with it! Mattias Burling did a video review on the X1.  He got great results out of it, keeping the ISO low.


There's a guy selling a DigiLux 2 in Minneapolis.  Not sure whether or not, he'd ship or take an offer.  It's been there a long time.


I'll have to go back and watch that video, I must've missed it or forgot it.

So far watching eBay a few months I've seen the digilux 2 go for much less than that on occasion, although that seems about the price from Japan on any given day. I bet that stays there for a while at that price. Maybe all those batteries are worth something too?

Happy snappin' 🙂

Well I ended up selling the Leica. Let me be upfront. It wasn't a great camera. I love shooting with older digital cameras (hence why I love the snappiness Youtube channel) but some of the cameras I've bought and tried to get into have suffered from the "why did I buy this?"

It was slow...very slow. My eyesight isn't the best so I really need an EVF. I bought a 3rd party one and it was not a great experience. The amount of tinkering you could do with it was minimal at best. Manual focus was a huge chore. The screen was hard to see and not at all bright. The JPG images coming off the sensor were lovely but the DNG RAW's were mushy and not what I'm usually used to.

So I sold it and helped to fund my Fujifilm X-Pro1 which I'm hugely happy with. It has its issues but nothing compared with the X1.

James Warner has reacted to this post.
James Warner

Good to hear some first hand experience on the old camera. I am the same way, even with cameras that others have enjoyed. Sometimes they don't click with me. Those cameras and lenses you never see on my channel because I am just not interested enough to make the effort to make a video. But it does happen.

Just take the shot has reacted to this post.
Just take the shot
Happy snappin' 🙂

This thread was a journey!!

Hope you are feeling better.

Off-topic but I just love Aussie slang. "To snaffle" is such a perfect verb.

Just take the shot has reacted to this post.
Just take the shot

Yes, I tried one of these once and thought the same - early mirrorless sort of kit was really, really poor to use. I remember the A7 being similarly frustrating with autofocus lenses, but it has a massive following for those who are happy with manual focus.


Live and learn!

Just take the shot has reacted to this post.
Just take the shot