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$614 SD1 Merill (Sigma Foveon DSLR) @ mpb USA

Don't see these that often

JBP has reacted to this post.

That's a great price! thanks for sharing. I've been tracking that one on and off for a while and have never seen it that cheap. I already have two Sigma DSLRs now, but I'd like to try the SD1 one day 🙂

whereSs has reacted to this post.
Happy snappin' 🙂

That’s a pretty great price!!

I got mine for a little less and that was only after months of chatting with the Sigma forum guys so it was a special offer.

It is not an easy camera. Very few lenses are good enough for that sensor AND adaptable (like, the micro Nikkors are good enough but you can’t get infinity, so they’re close focus only, boo).

Cuz I’m too cheap to shell out for the Art lenses right now, I’ve tried out the Mamiya 645 lens I already owned and it’s so far the only promising lens with infinity. And even that is noticeably not as sharp as the Art lenses.

The super tack sharp Super Takumar 135mm 3.5 with m42 adapter is not up to snuff.

But it’s an investment. With a great lens, Merrill images are unlike anything else. Nothing on the market can beat it, still.

James Warner and whereSs have reacted to this post.
James WarnerwhereSs

I actually picked one up for a similar price not that long ago, and I feel like I have very little idea what I'm doing with it, but also like the images I've taken with it are magical.

My Foveon gateway drug is the dp0 Quattro, and I will forever love and respect the hell out of it, but its images lean more CGI when the Merrill (given like TWO outings) leans film to my eye. I haven't even fuffed with Sigma Photo Pro with it yet (very much).

I honestly wish there was MORE sd1 merrill discussion online so I could get a better sense of how others use it. So far, I've learned a few of its quirks, plus a few quirks with my specific body. (Why on earth are both dials in A/S/P mode full-time A/S/P, and not A/S/P on one dial + EC!? and why is EC like backwards!?)

Quote from whereSs on July 26, 2022, 5:02 am

I actually picked one up for a similar price not that long ago, and I feel like I have very little idea what I'm doing with it, but also like the images I've taken with it are magical.

My Foveon gateway drug is the dp0 Quattro, and I will forever love and respect the hell out of it, but its images lean more CGI when the Merrill (given like TWO outings) leans film to my eye.

I totally get what you're saying about the Quattro. I tried the SDq first, and honestly? Hated it.

I was seeing absolutely crazy optical artifacts with the kit lens and all the cranky old men on the Sigma dpreview forum were trying to tell me it was normal. It looked and felt like one of those vintage 3D movies with the blue and red overlays, like the picture was moving, like the Quattro layers could not line up. It was not normal.

The Merrill sensor is like… reality but more.

We should start an SD1M thread for ourselves here! I'll kick it off.

I think we're the only owners here but maybe we'll inspire somebody else!