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Post History: North Wolf Photography
Here's some photos I took in August. First off I have some really nice photos off the Pentax Q …In: Share your August Photos (2023)
2 years ago
Quote from James Warner on April 3, 2023, 3:02 pm
And also I'm in Iowa now, I don't know …In: [Warning: stupidly long post] Does Full-Frame Make Sense for Non-Professionals in 2023?
2 years ago
I'm one of those "Crazy" people who prefers an APS-C (or smaller) sensor over a Full …In: [Warning: stupidly long post] Does Full-Frame Make Sense for Non-Professionals in 2023?
2 years ago
Its been so long since I posted here I forgot I already posted up my faves in a previous reply. But …In: The Attraction of Old Forgotten Cameras and your favorites?
2 years ago
Quote from ThePrettyDamned on August 1, 2022, 7:50 pm
I've been pondering and I think the reas …In: Another new camera - D700
2 years ago
The D7200 is still my Workhorse camera. It has the best Dynamic Range of anything in my collection …In: Another new camera - D700
2 years ago
Here is a review of the Sony a290 snipped and with slight edits from my Blog. It's a Basic no …In: The Sony a290 AKA the Farewell to the APS-C CCD sensor
2 years ago
Minolta 70-210 F4 "Beer Can" and surprisingly the more "Basic" Minolta 70-300 va …In: The Telephoto Prime Club (100mm+)
2 years ago
Hands down the Minolta 70-210 F4. It's one of the Cult lenses for Minolta/Sony A mount and the …In: Could anyone suggest me some vintage Minolta glass for my sony a350?
2 years ago
A few taken with my oldest Nikon DSLR (D70s):
And a few taken with a much more modern …In: SHARE YOUR FEBRUARY PHOTOS! (2023)
2 years ago
Originally this was a reply, but I think it serves better as its own thread.
I own a number of ob …In: Ode to Sony A Mount- Dead but not Forgotten
2 years ago
Fountain City WI isn't that far from me, well relatively speaking, heh.
I have a working Fuj …In: The Attraction of Old Forgotten Cameras and your favorites?
2 years ago
Yeah. The LX100 first generation never got a user updateable firmware release which likely would ha …In: Olympus Stylus XZ-1: One of the best CCD Pocket Cameras ever made
2 years ago
I can't narrow it down to one so I will throw out a few. And each of these will get their own …In: The Attraction of Old Forgotten Cameras and your favorites?
2 years ago
I've decided I'm going to do mini-reviews of cameras from my Blog project on here with sli …In: Olympus Stylus XZ-1: One of the best CCD Pocket Cameras ever made
2 years ago
Thanks! And I don't have 52 cameras yet (am borrowing a few from my friends to make up for the …In: Greetings Fellow ShutterBugs!
2 years ago