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Post History: Alen K
Here’s a handheld panorama taken with an iPhone 11 on July 3rd. Six panels stitched together with Mi …In: Share your July Photos (2024)
8 months ago
I am a big fan of Sigma’s 18-35mm f/1.8 Art lens, which of course is (or was) available with Sigma’s …In: Favorite Sigma (SA) Mount Lenses?
2 years ago
Yeah, really interesting photos _because_ of the color scheme.
I never tried developing color fil …In: Technically Color Film
2 years ago
The only full-frame cameras I own are all 35mm film cameras, including an Olympus OM-1 (the original …In: [Warning: stupidly long post] Does Full-Frame Make Sense for Non-Professionals in 2023?
2 years ago
Has the gauntlet been thrown down? Is yet another old …In: James, you were mentioned
2 years ago
Oh man, are cassettes making a comeback too?! Pentax to produce new film cameras. Let's discuss.
2 years ago
I definitely agree that a lot of the appeal is because film is very different, both in use and in re …In: Pentax to produce new film cameras. Let's discuss.
2 years ago
Film: Been there. Done that. Don't intend to to do it again.
As background, I started doing …In: Pentax to produce new film cameras. Let's discuss.
2 years ago
I also have this lens. It's fine for general photography but not good for astrophotography (my …In: Pentax M 135 3.5
2 years ago
Update: I have released a lens test report for astrophotography based on multiple exposures I took o …In: Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC
2 years ago
Some quick snaps of Orion taken in the course of testing the lens on my K-3II, very lightly processe …In: Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC
2 years ago
I was considering that 16mm f/2. It’s nice that the FOV is somewhat wider than the Sigma. But in the …In: Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC
2 years ago
Hands down my favorite thing about my K-3II is Astrotracer. It's primarily why I chose it. (Tha …In: Just for fun: What's your favorite thing about your camera?
2 years ago
I just picked up this lens in like-new condition for a good price (Japanese seller on eBay). Since S …In: Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 DC
2 years ago
Re the 50mm f/2 lens, the info at Pentax Forums shows it is not the same design, although there are …In: Pentax's best lens is NOT expensive - Pentax-M 50mm f1.7
3 years ago
I like the size but it's a shame it isn't an interchangeable lens camera. Although, of cou …In: The Ricoh GR is a Powerful Mini Astrophotography Camera
3 years ago
I don't know whether this will qualify as a "setup" or if you could even call it uniq …In: Calling for photos of your unique camera setups
4 years ago
A snap from just a couple of days ago. It's a solar halo caused by ice crystals high in the atm …In: Share your May photos!
4 years ago
My first film camera, which I bought in 1975, was a Russian Zenit E. This one. Heavy as a Russian ta …In: My first 35mm camera, the lowly forgotten Nikon N65.
4 years ago
Quote from Snappy on April 20, 2021, 1:42 am
Tested out my DA* 300mm lens with astrotracer now that …In: Grand Canyon Vacation Pics
4 years ago